Presented FREE to the World by Ken Nelson Ministries

God Sends A Savior

Part Five

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In this video we acknowledge the eternal consequences of sin. But because of God’s love for us, he devised a way to take upon himself our own guilt and punishment.  We learn that Jesus, who has always existed as part of the Trinity, was tasked with coming to earth as one of us and taking upon himself the sins of those who believe in him.

We begin in Nazareth where an angel told a teenage virgin she would become pregnant with the Son of God.  But what, we ask, are angels and why is the virgin birth so important to Christianity?  Arriving in Bethlehem we wonder why Jesus came as an innocent baby and not the all powerful King the Jews had been waiting for.  And why did the Great King Herod want him dead.

We return to Nazareth where Jesus became a carpenter and would eventually be rejected by his neighbors.  We’ll visit Jerusalem where he amazed the religious leaders with his wisdom and knowledge of scripture.  Finally you’ll enter the Jordan River where Jesus was about to be baptized by his relative John and acknowledged by God.

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