Presented FREE to the World by Ken Nelson Ministries

Jesus’ Words And Actions – Part II

Part Seven

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In this video we’ll focus on Jesus’ authority over nature as he continues to perform signs and miracles…not for show, but to help people believe he was indeed the Son of God.  Travel to the hillside where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount and sit where he fed 5-thousand with only five loaves and two small fish.

Explore what Jesus said about the power of prayer and how science can show that talking with God improves our physical and mental wellbeing.  Visit a dig site where archeologists are discovering artifacts that validate the people and places of the Bible. Climb Mt. Tabor where Jesus met with Moses, Elijah, and God. Then travel to Ceasarea Philippi where he asked, “Who do people say I am?”

Drink from Jacob’s Well where Jesus forgave a Samaritan woman of her sins and discover why the religious leaders plotted to executed him as an imposter and blasphemer.  And finally, follow Jesus into Jerusalem just prior to his arrest, trial, crucifixion, burial, resurrection and return to Heaven.

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